Monday, March 31, 2008

A Little about me...

So, I must say that I am rather new to this whole "blogging" experience..but, I have so much going on in my mind these days, I figured it couldn't hurt to give it a try! I thought I would begin this "journey" with a little more information about me and my life...

Life doesn't always turn out the way you expect it to. When I was younger, I believed I was going to concur the world. After I had seen and done everything, I would then settle into my little farm house with my husband and 3 children and we would live happily ever after. REALITY CHECK!! You live doing the best you can taking the mistakes you've made and the pain you've endured from the past in hopes to learn from it and create a better future.

I am 23 years old and will soon be divorced for the 2ND time. Yup..the 2ND. My 15 month old son, Noah, and I will be beginning a new "season" (as I like to call it) of our lives. Having not attended college, I struggle everyday to find a way to create a stable financial environment for my family. I'm always searching to find legitimate "work from home" opportunities while submitting resumes to places that technically, I'm not even qualified for!! I'm in a constant battle with those around me, trying to stick up for what I believe in. I know my past experiences have led me here for a reason.....I just wish I knew what that reason was! My hope for this site is to provide information and ideas based on my experiences and to encourage those that need it. So please feel free to leave comments and/or write me. I hope you all enjoy!!!